Residential - Start Service

New ConstructionExisting Property

Starting Residential Service – JCREMC Membership

JCREMC is a local electric cooperative serving Johnson County and parts of Brown, Morgan and Shelby Counties. The people who receive their electric service from us are more than just customers. They are are also members. As owners of the cooperative, members are entitled to the benefits that cooperatives offer, such as our non-profit business structure, local control and decision-making, strength in numbers, and a democratically elected board of directors who are themselves members.

If you’re moving into JCREMC’s service territory and need to start electric service, whether for new construction or an existing property, you will need to call our office at 317-736-6174 and fill out our Membership Application. If your new service request requires a meeting with a JCREMC engineer, you will also need to fill our our Engineering Appointment Location Survey.

Read on to learn more about the processes for starting service on new construction or existing properties.

New Construction


In general, a developer has already worked with JCREMC to install electric facilities at each lot in a subdivision. Typically there is no charge to have service connected to your home, but there are some exceptions.

The basic steps of service connection are as follows.

  • Builder or homeowner calls JCREMC to schedule connection of temporary service. A completed Residential Membership Application is required.
  • Pick up Meter Base – must be JCREMC equipment. Available at the JCREMC office at no charge to builder or homeowner.
  • Installation of Meter Base – must be according to JCREMC specifications (manual is available at the office).
  • Builder or homeowner calls JCREMC to schedule installation of permanent service.
  • Transfer of Service to Homeowner – homeowner initiates. Requires a completed Residential Membership Application.

Remember to call 811 or 1-800-382-5544 to have utility locations marked before you dig. For more information about this FREE service go to


A meeting with an JCREMC engineer is always required. Call the JCREMC Engineering department before you begin construction and please fill out the Engineering Appointment Location Survey. Factors necessary for installation of electric service may affect other parts of the construction process. Engineers are available throughout the construction process to address any questions you have regarding installation of new electric service.

The basic process for installation of electric service is as follows.

  • You must meet a JCREMC Engineer on site. For this appointment you will need:
    1. A plot plan of all structures to be constructed on the property.
    2. Survey markers or other means of determining property lines.
    3. Stakes on the site showing the general outline of the building.
    4. Capacity of service needed.
    5. A decision as to where the meter base will be located on the structure or structures.
    6. Total square footage of dwelling.
    7. Energy source for heating and water heating.
    8. Information regarding existing easements on the property.
  • Engineer will provide and discuss required documentation regarding Residential Membership Application, terms of service agreement, meter installation specifications and manual, and other pertinent information.
  • Engineer will estimate cost and present service installation options to homeowner.
  • After a decision is made and construction is at a point where temporary service is required, installation of electric service will proceed.

Remember to call 811 or 1-800-382-5544 to have utility locations marked before you dig. For more information about this FREE service go to

Existing Property

When moving to an existing residence or structure located within the service jurisdiction of JCREMC, you will need to contact our office to schedule a day to have the electric service transferred into your name. At that time we will need the following from you.

By law, we have three working days to complete a request for new service; however, service can typically be connected the next business day. Emergency service restoration due to storms or natural disasters takes priority over new service connections.

Remember to call 811 or 1-800-382-5544 to have utility locations marked before you dig. For more information about this FREE service go to

Residential Rates

JCREMC offers rate options for our consumers. Choosing the rate that is right for your household can translate to savings. Our customer service representatives are available to help you understand the difference between our Single-Phase Service and our Single-Phase Time-of-Use rate. Learn more.

JCREMC - Your Electric Cooperative