Irrigation Time-of-Use

Commercial Rates

Schedule ITOU



Available to members located on or near the Corporation’s multi-phase lines for all types of usage, subject to the established Corporation Service Rules and Regulations. 


Applicable to consumers for service to agricultural irrigation pumping motors who have installed transformer capacity of 45 kVA or greater. 

Type of Service

Single-phase or multi-phase service, 60 hertz at 120/240, 120/208, 277/480 volts.


Facility Charge:


per year

(Billed during June through September at $175 per month)

On-peak energy (summer/winter):


per kWh

Off-peak energy:


per kWh

*The on and off-peak energy charges include a transmission/substation charge of $0.0200 per kWh and a distribution delivery charge of $0.00405 per kWh.



Summer: For the months of June through August, excluding Independence Day, On- Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt-hours used during the period 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) – Monday through Friday.

Winter: For the months of December through February, excluding Christmas and New Years Day, On-Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt-hours used during the periods 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – Monday through Friday.


Off-Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt-hours used during all hours other than on-peak hours as described above.

Annual Minimum Charge

The minimum annual charge shall be the Facility Charge stated above.

The consumer’s obligation to pay the full minimum annual charges herein shall not be diminished by discontinuing use of such service during June through May of the contract year (this twelve-month period is referred to herein as the “irrigation contract year”).

Any application for reconnection of service at any later date shall obligate the consumer to pay the sum of any accrued charges applicable to the irrigation contract year during which service was discontinued.

Terms and Conditions

  1. In general, motors having a rated capacity in excess of ten horsepower (10 p.) must be three-phase.
  2. Service will be rendered only after the consumer gives satisfactory assurance as to the character, amount and duration of the business offered.
  3. The Facility Charge shall be billed in four equal monthly installments in June, July, August, and September of each year whether or not energy is actually used during the irrigation contract.

Rate Adjustment

The above rates are subject to rate adjustments stated in Appendix A.

Other Charges and Terms of Service

Schedule ITOU is applicable to charges in Appendix B.

*JCREMC provides electronic access to its retail electric tariffs for the convenience of its members. While these documents have been compiled in good faith, JCREMC does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of these documents. JCREMC expressly disclaims any and all liability for inaccuracies, errors, omissions or lack of timeliness with respect to these documents and for any damages, including incidental and consequential damages, arising in any way in connection with the access or use of these documents.
JCREMC - Your Electric Cooperative