Outdoor Lighting

Schedule OL



Available to any member of the Corporation entering into a contract for said service where 120 volt service exists for the use of street and security lighting. All lights must exist in a truck accessible location.


Character of Service

Dusk to dawn lighting service, using photo-electric controlled equipment, mast arm, street light type luminaire with various wattage lamps as outlined in the subsequent table.


Maintenance of Lighting System

The Corporation will repair and/or replace and maintain all equipment owned by the Corporation, including lamps and glassware, which may be necessary to provide continuous operation of the street and security lighting.


Ownership of System 

The Corporation shall furnish, provide, install, own, operate and maintain the necessary distribution lines, wires, conduit, conductors, cables, masts, towers, poles, posts, transformers, lamps, fixtures and other appliances and structures for furnishing street and security lighting and service.

The Corporation shall erect the service lines necessary to supply electric energy to the said street and security lighting within the limits of the public streets and highways or on private property as mutually agreed upon by the Corporation and member. Member shall assist the Corporation if necessary in obtaining adequate written easements covering permission for the installation and maintenance of service lines on private property.

The Corporation shall not be required to pay for obtaining permission to trim or retrim trees where such trees interfere with any service lines or wires of the Corporation used for supplying electric energy to the street and security lighting. Member shall assist the Corporation, if necessary, in obtaining permission to trim trees when the Corporation is unable to obtain such permission through its own best efforts.



The following schedule shows monthly charges per light excluding sales tax.


Standard Fixtures

Type of Light WattageMonthly Charge
Roadway LightLED8217.55
Roadway LightLED17428.30
Flood LightLED14613.50
Flood LightLED29728.75

Decorative Fixtures

(includes fiberglass column)


Type of Light



Monthly Charge

Industrial Lighting


Type of Light



Monthly Charge

NOTE: Additional charges may be required to cover certain installation costs.


Duration of Service

  1. For standard light fixtures, the consumer may request termination of service at their option and the Corporation will remove its property upon such notice with reasonable diligence.
  2. For decorative and industrial lighting fixtures, service is based on a contractual agreement with the member and is to be limited to those service demands. The contractual agreement with the Corporation shall be for a minimum term of 30 months. Upon completion of the minimum term, the Corporation and/or member may terminate the service in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contractual agreement.

The corporation may remove its fixture and cancel street and security lighting service:

  1. whenever such action is necessary to protect the Corporation property from abuse or excessive maintenance cost; and/or
  2. whenever the consumer discontinues paying for the service.
  3. if the county light trespass ordinance is violated.

Other Charges and Terms of Service

This schedule is applicable to charges and other terms of service outlined in Appendix B.

*JCREMC provides electronic access to its retail electric tariffs for the convenience of its members. While these documents have been compiled in good faith, JCREMC does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of these documents. JCREMC expressly disclaims any and all liability for inaccuracies, errors, omissions or lack of timeliness with respect to these documents and for any damages, including incidental and consequential damages, arising in any way in connection with the access or use of these documents.
JCREMC - Your Electric Cooperative