Improving Lives
JCREMC is committed to improving the lives of people in our community. Through the JCREMC Community Fund’s Operation Round-Up® program, our electric consumers have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the community through contributions to local charitable and non-profit causes.
Here’s how it works: When monthly JCREMC billing statements are prepared, each bill is rounded up to the nearest whole dollar. For example, a bill of $81.75 would be rounded up to $82. The extra 25 cents is placed in the JCREMC Community Fund to provide financial support for charitable causes and non-profit organizations within the communities served by JCREMC and surrounding areas. Recipients of these funds are chosen by an independent advisory board operating on behalf of the JCREMC Community Fund and administered through the Johnson County Community Foundation.
The average amount a participating consumer contributes in a year is about $6. A few cents from each member adds up to a significant amount of financial assistance for causes in our community. A little change really does go a long way.
Operation Round-Up® kicked off with the May 2019 billing cycle.
Apply for Grant Funding
Non-profit organizations in the communities JCREMC serves and surrounding areas can apply to receive up to $5,000 in grant funding. Applications are accepted twice annually, April 1-30 and October 1-31. Click here to apply.
Advisory Board
The JCREMC Board of Directors appoints the Advisory Board members for the JCREMC Community Fund. Current Advisory Board members:
Chair: Lesa Arnold
Vice Chair: Levi McNeely
Secretary/Treasurer: Pam Coleman
Michelle Bright
Becky Canary
John Gates
Jennifer Evans
Emily Myers
Kimberly Engelau
Express interest in serving on the advisory board by emailing or calling 317-736-6174.
While all JCREMC members are automatically enrolled in Operation Round-Up®, participation is voluntary. You can opt out from your online myJCREMC account or by contacting the JCREMC office at or 317-736-6174. For assistance on opting out via your online myJCREMC account, visit our How to Opt-Out guide.
Outcomes Reporting
Per the JCREMC Community Fund and Operation Round-Up®, organizations receiving grant funds must submit a written report of outcomes within one year of receiving those funds. This report should describe the project objectives and progress or conclusions. A financial report on the use of grant funds should be included, along with a copy of all expenditures and receipts. Please include the overall impact of the grant, along with any success stories, if available.