Board of Directors

DISTRICT 1: Glenn McAlpin

DISTRICT 2: Seth Brown

DISTRICT 3: Dennis Stewart

DISTRICT 4: James Meredith

DISTRICT 5: Lee Ann Wilbur

DISTRICT 6: Stephen Watson
Vice President

DISTRICT 7: Ron Barnett
JCREMC District Map
The business affairs of JCREMC are managed by a seven-member board of directors, one director for each of the seven districts in the service area of the cooperative. The map indicates the general boundaries of each of the seven JCREMC districts and the board member that represents that district.

Director Duties Overview
- Directors are expected to attend all regularly scheduled monthly and special board meetings.
- Directors are expected to attend committee meetings and the JCREMC Annual Meeting of the Membership.
- Directors serve a three-year term and are expected to obtain the NRECA Credentialed Director’s Certificate within two terms.
- Directors are expected to devote a minimum of 20 hours each month, on average, attending meetings or conferences, reviewing cooperative materials, preparing for board meetings, etc.
- Directors are expected to read and be familiar with JCREMC information and financial reports. Directors should also be familiar with other state and national cooperative associations.
- Directors are elected to represent a specific district and are responsible for decisions affecting the entire JCREMC membership.
- Directors must possess the self-confidence and communication skills to work closely with other board directors.
- Directors are compensated for their service with per diems, mileage, and expense reimbursement. They also receive transportation, lodging, and meal expenses when traveling for cooperative business. Directors have access to health insurance benefits; however, the cooperative is transitioning away from health insurance benefits as director compensation, and new directors will receive a retainer in place of the health insurance benefits.
Directors are cooperative members. They pay monthly electricity bills like all JCREMC members. They do not receive discounted electricity and their bills are not subsidized. As members, Directors are interested in the most economical operation of JCREMC.
Director elections are open to all eligible JCREMC members. Elections are held during the Annual Meeting of the Membership. An application is available here. Applications are due no later than 10 days prior to the advertised date of the Nominating and Credentials Committee meeting. Further information is in the JCREMC bylaws or can be obtained by contacting John Sturm, CEO, at 317-736-6174.
Attendance Request for Board of Director Meetings
JCREMC Board of Director meetings are regularly scheduled on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month. A JCREMC cooperative member may attend any regular board meeting with the approval of the President of the Board of Directors. A JCREMC member who requests to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors must notify the JCREMC Chief Executive Officer of their request to attend such meeting in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. The written notification must include the member’s name, the reason for the attendance request, and what they wish to address with the Board of Directors.
In such cases, the Board of Directors meeting shall be convened in the JCREMC conference room with a thirty (30) minute maximum time allowance for the member to address the Board of Directors and ask questions. At the end of the allotted time initially stated in the board agenda, the board will excuse themselves from the room and reconvene in the JCREMC board room to conduct the remainder of the meeting. Only individuals invited by the Board of Directors are permitted to remain for the entire board meeting.