COVID-19 Disconnects Moratorium Update


Important Information Regarding JCREMC’s COVID-19 Disconnects Moratorium

Published August 18, 2020

Dear JCREMC Members:

While Indiana’s statewide moratorium on utility disconnects expired on August 14, 2020, JCREMC voluntarily extended our suspension of disconnects through Headshot of JCREMC CEO John Sturm.September 15, 2020. In addition to this extension, we also have voluntarily suspended late fees, reconnection fees, and post-disconnect deposits through December 31, 2020.

We understand many of our consumers are facing financial difficulties related to the COVID-19 pandemic and wanted to allow more time to catch up on past-due balances prior to resuming disconnects.

While JCREMC consumers with past-due balances will be subject to disconnection after September 15, 2020, we offer payment plans and billing options to help you get caught up while avoiding a disconnect.

If you are struggling to pay your JCREMC electric bill, please call our office at 317-736-6174 so our customer service representatives can help you set up payment and billing plans, direct you to any potentially applicable community resources, and help you determine whether another rate option could work better for your situation than what you’re currently enrolled in. 


CEO Signature

John Sturm