Welcome to JCREMC

Your Rights and Responsibilities

Located in Franklin, Indiana, JCREMC is a cooperative electric utility that supplies service to more than 27,000 accounts in Johnson County and portions of Morgan, Shelby, and Brown counties.

As a cooperative enterprise, we are a unique organization. The people who receive their electricity from us are more than just customers—they are members. As owners of the cooperative, members are entitled to the benefits that cooperatives offer, such as our non-profit business structure, local control and decision-making, strength in numbers, and a democratically elected board of directors who are themselves members.

The founding fathers of the electric cooperative movement had strong ties to Indiana. One of the first electric cooperatives to serve a rural area in America is located right here in our state. In the 1930s, investor-owned utilities were not interested in serving rural areas, feeling it would not be profitable. But the leaders of the agricultural communities of rural America knew that electricity was vital to the progress of our country. With federal funding available through the newly created Rural Electrification Administration, or REA, cooperatives began springing up across America.

Founded in 1935, JCREMC began operations with 1,129 members. Today, we serve over 27,000 accounts with over 1,700 miles of electric distribution line.

As a member of this cooperative, you have the right and responsibility to attend the annual meeting each year, where business of the corporation is detailed and discussed. As a member, you have the right to vote and elect fellow members to the cooperative’s board of directors at the annual meeting.

You also have the responsibility to protect JCREMC property and advise the office about any damage to cooperative property or dangerous conditions you may observe. Information about your rights and responsibilities can be found in our bylaws.


Navigating JCREMC Online

Use this quick access guide to help you more easily navigate important information our website.

See a general overview of JCREMC at jcremc.com/company.

7 Cooperative Principles

From our founding in 1935 until now, our mission has remained the same: To safely and efficiently provide reliable electric services for our community. But we don’t stop there. Guided by the 7 Cooperative Principles that drive cooperatives nationwide, we ensure that our resources are dedicated to the benefit of all our members. 

Online Account Access

Access your JCREMC account to pay bills, monitor usage, and more via the embedded login at jcremc.com. You can also access your account information via the myJCREMC mobile app available for both iOS and Android.

How to Contact JCREMC

Find the various ways to contact JCREMC at jcremc.com/contact-us.

Billing Options

JCREMC offers a variety of billing options to make paying for your electric service convenient. Learn more about billing options at jcremc.com/my-account.

Rates Options

JCREMC offers both standard and time-of-use electric rates. Consumers can save money by choosing the rate that best fits their individual consumption habits. Decide which rate is right for you at jcremc.com/savings.


JCREMC’s subsidiary, JCFiber, offers high-speed fiber-optic internet in parts of our electric service territory. JCFiber’s reach is continuously expanding. Visit jcfiber.com to see whether service is available in your area and to learn more about how we’re expanding coverage.

Energy Efficiency

JCREMC is your trusted energy advisor committed to helping you save money on your monthly bills through usage monitoring, energy efficiency advice, and incentives for equipment upgrades. Learn more.

Vegetation Management

JCREMC offers a robust vegetation management program to protect our electrical system from damage due to trees touching or falling on electrical distribution equipment. If you have vegetation in close proximity to power lines, please fill out a tree-trimming request form. Our vegetation management expert will inspect the site and arrange for a solution at no charge to the member. We also offer information on Landscaping Safety.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

JCREMC is an equal-opportunity employer and provider. Please see our full Statement of Non-Discrimination.

JCREMC - Your Electric Cooperative