Portable Generators Safety

Portable Generators

JCREMC works hard to provide dependable electric service to over 23,000 homes and businesses in Johnson County, and parts of Shelby, Morgan and Brown Counties. But there are times during the year that you may experience power outages.

The cooperative understands the need for a temporary alternative power source in these instances. The most common device used for this purpose is a small gasoline powered portable generator. These generators range in size and power but all need to be operated safely.

Connections to Your Home

It is important to understand that there are two methods that can be utilized when installing a portable generator during a power outage.

If you have sized your generator to supply power to your entire home, a double pole / double throw switch is required to be installed between the utility and generator. This switch will isolate your generator and home from the electric grid. This will prevent your generator from back-feeding power on to the utility-owned poles and wire. This switch will eliminate a potential hazardous condition and protect utility workers from injury.

A generator can also supply energy to a single appliance such as a sump pump or well. Portable generators connected directly to a single appliance will not back-feed power to the utility lines.

Questions concerning portable generators should be directed to the engineering department by calling the office at 317-736-6174.