Operation Round-Up® FAQ

Operation Round-Up

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mission?

JCREMC Community Fund shall provide funding to approved eligible causes and organizations that are located or conducting business in communities served by JCREMC.

How does it work?

When monthly JCREMC consumer billing statements are prepared, each bill is rounded up to the nearest whole dollar. For example, a bill of $81.75 would be rounded up to $82. The extra 25 cents is placed in the JCREMC Community Fund to provide financial support for charitable causes and non-profit organizations within the communities served by JCREMC. Recipients of these funds are chosen by an independent advisory board operating on behalf of the JCREMC Community Fund. The average amount a participating consumer contributes in a year is about $6.

If I have more than one account will each one be rounded up?

Yes, each account will be rounded up, but you can opt-out on some or all of your accounts.

My account is on Budget Billing, can I still participate in the program?


What if my account is a prepaid electric account?

A prepaid electric account is not eligible to participate in Operation Round-Up®.

What are the grant application deadlines?

Grant Applications are due the last working day of April and October.

Where can I apply?

The application can be found on the JCREMC website or a hard copy can be obtained from the JCREMC office, 750 International Dr., Franklin.

Who can apply?

Contributions will be made to non-profit charitable organizations, government entities, or educational institutions that have been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS.

What are some possible uses of the funds?

There are three categories of assistance for the funds accumulated through Operation Round-Up®. Examples:

  1. Community Service
    • Programs, projects, and organizations that are important components of a community’s overall quality of life.
  2. Education and Youth
    • School and academic enrichment programs affecting children and teens in our community.
  3. Environment
    • Community-based programs focused on environmental quality, natural recourse and recycling education programs.
How much and how often can an applicant receive from Operation Round-Up®?
  • Funding for a single applicant shall be limited to $5000.00.
  • Not more than $10,000 shall be awarded annually to any applicant, group, charity, or like organization.
  • No group, charity, or like organization shall receive money from the fund for the same purpose for more than two consecutive years. At least one full calendar year shall pass from the date of the second disbursement until the time of the next application.
Who oversees the funds?
  • The JCREMC Community Fund oversees the money collected through Operation Round-Up®. Funds are controlled by an advisory board consisting of nine individual board members. There will be one trustee from each of the seven districts of JCREMC service territories so there is representation for the whole area.

What will it not fund?
  • No amount of funds received from Operation Round-Up® can be used to support any candidate for political office or party or ANY political purpose.
  • The funds are not intended to take place of any social service programs and should not be disbursed for continuing situations caused by unwise spending and credit practices.
  • Any funds received from Operation Round-Up® will NOT go toward utility bills.
Do recipients need to complete a final report?

Yes. Per the JCREMC Community Fund and Operation Round-Up®, organizations receiving grant funds must submit a written report of outcomes within one year of receiving those funds. This report should describe the project objectives and progress or conclusions. A financial report on the use of grant funds should be included, along with a copy of all expenditures and receipts. Please include the overall impact of the grant, along with any success stories, if available. The form is available at https://jcremc.com/community/operation-round-up/round-up-report/.

What are the bylaws of the JCREMC Community Fund?

The bylaws of the JCREMC Community Fund are available here.

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