Electric Safety Tips

Safety Tips

  • Whether on a pole or on the ground, you should never touch any type of wire or cable. Consider any hanging wire or wire on the ground to be energized. Call JCREMC immediately at 317-736-6174 or call your local law enforcement agency.
  • Keep yourself and any equipment at least 10 feet away from power lines. Always be aware of the location of power lines and stay clear of them.
  • Never climb trees or fly kites around power lines.
  • Only trained tree crews or electric utility linemen should work around trees in power lines. Call JCREMC at 317-736-6174 or click here to fill out a tree trimming request.
  • Call Indiana 811 by dialing 811 or 1-800-382-5544 at least two working days prior to digging.  It is the law!  or click here for more information.
  • Plant the right tree for the right place. Call or stop by our office to pick up information from the International Society of Arboriculture regarding the proper sizing and planting of trees.
  • Do not locate swimming pools, playground equipment, or tool sheds near power lines.
  • Protect outdoor electrical outlets and outlets near water with GFIC breakers.
  • Teach your children to stay away from electrical outlets and use outlet covers.
  • Never use electrical equipment near bathtubs, sinks, or any water.
  • Don’t pull an electric plug out by the cord.
  • Never overload an electrical outlet. This can start a fire.
  • Use only UL-rated extension cords for outdoor use.
  • JCREMC presents an electrical safety and hotline demonstration upon request. Click here for more information.
JCREMC - Your Electric Cooperative